Friday, July 31, 2009

A song to share...

I like this song and would like to share it with you guys... but those who dunno Chinese.. Sorry, can't help... I like it because it's about love and it says missing somebody makes someone tougher. It's a song sang by Danson Tang from Taiwan...

你看见 天空吗 蓝得跟离别那天一样

你依然 爱哭吗 我肩膀还是为你空下

你的笑 是我抽屉里面唯一的收藏


不在乎 隔开我们的航程多么漫长











曾和你 创造过的回忆一沙一天堂


我祈祷 风只让我的世界尘土飞扬

不要去 吹乱了你的头发



悬在心上牵动我 所有的感觉




悬在心上我就和你 有了连结


只有我的爱 不会


A non-expert and somebody's not chatting with me..

These days I feel weird... I seem to be wanting more time in front of the computer! And I think a part from the reasons is that I feel like chatting to him. I go straight to Facebook after I open my computer maybe because of him...! I feel like bumping into him in Facebook.. But I always dunno what to say, what to ask, how to start a chat to not make him feel...... uncomfortable, annoying and that I'm bothering him... I'm really not an expert in this!!!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Him, him, him...

My BF I've talked about the last 2 blogs is such a hardworking boy... He was working on his Geography project last Friday and when I went offline, it was like already 1 am.. And he was still doing his project. Saturday, he also stayed up late.. I asked him again why is he still in front of the computer. He said that he was doing his project, but not the Geography project... It was his History project!!! My goodness me..!! He's so hardworking.. even on Fridays and Saturdays..

Monday, July 27, 2009

Still about him...

25 July 2009, It was still about him~~~ The day before, he asked me to be his GF.. I said OK cause I can feel that he has taken out all his courage to ask me. But I had no idea how will this relationship work for now, cause we're still young and going out is still depending on our parents.. Plus, we're not in the same school, so we would be chatting online or talking through the phone...

This day, from morning to evening, he didn't even start a chat with me although he was online all day.. So I started the chat, I guess he was just too shy, I asked him why to see if I was right... He said yes.. I know he's honest, but did or did I just read his mind...? Funny.. Suddenly I feel like this between him and me are so alike... Like that late night before we agreed to stop chatting, my dad asked me to stop. So I typed and told him, he typed back that his dad had also asked him to stop. We said good night and asked each other to sleep early, then I went first.. I dunno how long more did he stayed online... Just knowing that we were doing well!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

I'm so happy!!!

24 July 2009, I feel loved... That late night, I was still online in my Facebook. I saw my primary school classmate who I had a crush on before said 'Hi!' to me n so we chat... When we chat, I remembered how he describe me as cute the other night.. and he said that he should have said it a long time ago.. I was somehow feeling a bit red when he describe me like this.

Then this day, he took the move.. He told me his feelings for me.. He said that it was from the first time we met.. I think it was standard 2 when I met him.. Now I know, when I gave him the handmade name made of strings and the cake made by my mother... he was really happy! He was not pretending to be..

I still can recall that moment. He was so cute!!! He gave me a cheese cake on my birthday and I gave him my cake (our birthday is the same day)... He was smiling! Then I went to where he sat and ask about how the cake taste like.. He said it was yummy when I saw the cake still untouched... You see, how cute is he!!! Hahaha...

OK~~~ More next time... But I really have to tell, he ask me to be his GF~ Haha.. Oh really, next time when I have time to tell... I really have to sleep...


Hi, I'm new here... I hope u guys can give more comment for me to learn n change to make a nice blog for u guys to read... Thanks for those that help in giving me comments!