Monday, September 21, 2009

Happy Birthday...!

First, I would like to say "Happy Birthday!" to my daddy.. n my frind, Leong Wen Han that had their birthday this 20th September..
Then I would like to tell about what i am doing lately.. (A bit connection with music) I am starting to learn how to play guitar.. Hoping to learn violin from my friend that is planning persuade her brother to learn and then teach us..(Her n me) Then thinking of the harmonica that I didn't get the chance to learn more.. (Because of the chinese yoyo that came to my old school and took away a lot of harmonica students, so the teacher quit teaching) I've only learned for a year!! And I was really good at it too!!! And also I've stopped my piano lesson for a while(mom suggested it), I think because I've tuition and all that.. But I know now that I'm somehow connected to music!!!!!

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